I’m Pavel Vrbík, though my friends often call me ‘Pavlik’ or ‘Pavlito’ in southern countries. Interestingly, my nickname has turned out as an Indian, which feels fitting because I see myself as free-spirited—mind and soul. I’m originally from Vojnice, a small town near Olomouc in the Czech Republic.
Before COVID, I had the opportunity to travel widely, even working as an outdoor guide, making several countries and cities feel like home. When I say I’m from Olomouc and its surroundings, I truly mean the whole world! To me, home is wherever I am in the present moment and place. Right now, I’m in Prague for my studies and work, but I’m eager to return to living and working abroad full-time.
I have completed my 11th summer season for the Czech Travel Agency - CK Alpina. Most of all, however, I had loved leading bike expeditions in the Balkans destinations, lately just hike trips. In 2012, I achieved the first tour on kickbikes provided by CK Alpina. Those years back between 2013-15 I planned two Austrian kickbike trips on cycle paths also with agency RideOn. I'm also interested in Burma where I have made a few trips already, also I was organizing a Christmas trip there for the agency EcoMind Travel from London as well as a bike expedition with CK Alpina.
A significant part of my life has been devoted to exploring the true nature of the human spirit, experiencing the Sacred Oneness that connects us all, and understanding the dynamics of the Divine Universal energy. Between 2007 and 2012, I embarked on a profound spiritual journey, during which I believe I gained many valuable lessons. This path led me to meditation centers, monasteries, various communities, and under the guidance of several teachers, as well as participating in a range of seminars.
I also had the honor and privilege of being invited by Roy Littlesun to participate in the creation of the medicine wheel in Okoř, near Prague, in 2010. During this time, I had the opportunity to meet with the Hopi Tribe in Arizona (USA), as well as other well-known and lesser-known influential groups and personalities within the spiritual community
The journey of acquiring knowledge and developing wisdom is, of course, infinite. Everything I do is driven by the desire to forge our own unique life path, regardless of the direction needed to fulfill ourselves. I believe that the process of individuation is rooted in Oneness (or the collective subconscious—more conscious for some of us), which evolves through individuation.
with Roy Littlesun in Arizona 2010
“Two roads diverged in a wood and I took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the difference”.
This quote is from Robert Frost's famous poem The Road Not Taken. It reflects the idea of making choices in life, especially those that are unconventional or less common, and how those choices shape our journeys and define our experiences. Frost suggests that even a seemingly small or simple decision, like choosing a less-traveled path, can have a profound impact on one's life.